5 Surprising Ways Good High Heels are Healthier Than Bad Relationships

I am very excited. For the first time ever, I have been invited to a black-tie wedding.
I have spent countless hours daydreaming about the big event. No, not about the romance or the fairy tale aspect. To be quite honest, I am not sure the love or even “wedding” portion of the event has crossed my mind.
I have been consumed by the glitz and glamour of what is certain to be the most luxurious and elegant event that I have ever experienced beyond the silver screen.
How shall I style my hair? What type of jewelry is appropriate? How soon do I buy the gown (I might want to lose a pound or two)? But what has me by far the most excited, what has me trolling page after page of bargain and couture sites alike? The shoes.
The shoes are a big decision. After all, they are likely to be with me long after this marriage dissolves, so I need to ensure I choose wisely. Although I have seen literally hundreds of shoes that would be a perfect fit, both for my feet and the occasion, I just can’t seem to pull the trigger.
Whether it’s Jimmy, Christian, or Manolo, it feels like choosing a partner who will soon know me intimately. Someone with whom I will share both happy and sad times and see me at my best and my worst.
This is why I feel a great pair of heels is better than a bad relationship. Here are five reasons why.
1. Great high heels lift you to new heights
A great pair of heels will make you feel uplifted. It is an indescribable air of confidence that only someone who has strutted in a pair of stilettos can fully comprehend.
Speaking as someone on the shorter side, those extra inches are always appreciated. There is nothing you can’t do with your head held high, and no dream—or shelf—out of reach.
2. They offer just the right support
Love may hurt, but fashion and beauty don’t have to.
There are many different brands and styles that cater to different women of all shapes and sizes. There is no need to suffer simply to remain loyal to one designer. If you are happy with one who both flatters and supports you, then a monogamous relationship will work well. If not, play the field until you find the one that makes you feel good. There is no shame in dipping your toes is multiple designer pools.
3. Top notch high heels keep the compliments coming
There is not enough space in the world to list the physical benefits of a good pair of high heel shoes.
They make clothes fall nicer on your body (think of those pants that are just a little too long…), they make your legs look longer and leaner, let alone the wonders they do for your rear view. Let’s just say your height is not the only thing they lift.
There is a reason high heels are a part of most men’s fantasy attire. They just look good.
4. They spread the joy
The many physical benefits high heel shoes offer do not equal the number of emotional benefits that they can provide.
Just the mere thought of purchasing them, wearing them, touching them makes me happy. Simple as that. It may be shallow. It is shallow. However, there are so many terrible things going on in the world that I will take my moments of joy where I can find them. I choose shoes.
I can’t second hand harm anyone with them. They often bring others joy to see them as they are works of art and conversation pieces. Frivolous, yet fun. Fabulous.
5. They allow me to voice my thoughts
My shoes listen to me. Maybe that sounds crazy, because it is crazy. However, I am the type to narrate the world around me. I enjoy working through the problems of everyday life by painting an oral picture and seeing how the pieces fit by rearranging them in front of me.
A human partner often challenges such notions. The ability to simply be heard is one that is worth every penny paid for those designer embellishments.
Final Thoughts
I go through a lot with my shoes.
They’ve seen love connections and break-ups. They’ve watched me cry tears of joy and sadness. They’ve danced with me into the morning hours.
Every major milestone that has happened in my life, they have borne silent witness to it all. People come and go, and yet the one thing that remains constant is that my shoe collection grows and thrives.
It is important to cultivate healthy relationships, both romantic and platonic. I shall make my goal to model my human ones after the ones I have with my shoes. They shall be supportive, make me feel uplifted, and confident. I will be able to communicate openly and feel heard.
Above all else, I will feel happy in my relationships and want to spread that joy to others, because a happy person does not want to bring others down. If your relationship, or your shoes, cannot offer these essential and non-negotiable traits then it is time to keep shopping.
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