7 Amazing Ways to Be Compatible in a Relationship

a man and woman are compatible in a relationship

When people think about their perfect partner, they usually begin with a list of attributes. They need to be kind, attractive, financially independent, and a host of other qualities. The most important thing, though, is to be compatible in a relationship.

No matter what else you have going for you, it won’t work unless the two of you fit like the missing pieces to each other’s puzzle.

We’ll walk you through the seven best ways to demonstrate you’re on the same page as your SO.

1. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

Communication is not just sending text messages or talking at the dinner table. Effective communication requires really listening and hearing not only what your partner is telling you, but also what is not being said.

This means being in tune with communication non-verbal cues such as:

  • Facial expressions
  • Gestures
  • Tone of voice
  • Body language
  • Touch

Remember that a healthy conversation is one in which you are listening to understand what is being said and not simply waiting for your turn to reply.

2. Do You Know Where Your Partner Is?

If you didn’t would you be concerned? Trust seems to be hard to come by in a digital world that is so connected that there are actual apps designed to help people cheat on their spouse.

The fact of the matter is that as difficult as it may seem to trust, without it you cannot have a healthy relationship. It is the foundation and backbone of all that you build upon.

It may take time to develop, but if you do not have reciprocal trust, you likely have little else.

3. Not a One-Way Street

You have to give respect to get respect.

This means taking into account your partner’s thoughts, feelings, and opinions. When one half of the relationship is expecting to be treated like royalty, yet treating their spouse like a peasant, there is bound to be a rebellion.

There is a reason the term partners is used; equality is important for making both parties feel like they matter and have a voice. When you are compatible in a relationship, it shouldn’t feel like a chore to be respectful of one another.

4. Feels Like Home

Being with someone who shares your values and belief system can be as comfortable as slipping into a fuzzy pair of slippers.

It feels comforting to know that you will not have friction over major issues such as religion, family, or politics. If you are looking to plan a future together, it makes sense to move forward with someone who views the same big picture that you are seeing down the road.

5. Dream Big

A partner who is supportive of your goals, dreams, and aspirations will not only help you succeed in all you do, but will strengthen the bond you share as a couple. Being compatible in a relationship means being aligned on the great shared future you have ahead of you both.

The key lies in having mutual support for each other so neither partner feels they are sacrificing to be in the relationship.

6. Bend and Stretch

Although it is nice to always get your way, it does not make for a happy relationship.

Compromising with your partner shows them that you care enough to take their feelings, preferences, and ideas into consideration. Being flexible and adaptable is important for both the little things like where to go for dinner and life’s major decisions such as where to set down roots.

Making these decisions together is the only way to ensure both parties are fully committed and engaged.

7. Come a Little Closer – Emotionally

Emotional intimacy means letting your guard down and being vulnerable in a way that might feel new and a little frightening. However, this is the best and fastest way to really get to know your partner at a deeper and truly more intimate level.

Shared secrets and private moments will help you connect and bring you closer than you could have ever thought possible.

Final Thoughts on How to Be Compatible in a Relationship

You’ll know you have the right partner when you can still love each other amid differences. Being compatible isn’t about having the same opinions on everything, but it is about having a common vision on the big relationship items while loving the nuances between you on smaller things.

Use the list above to make sure you’ve got the right dancing partner for the journey of life!