Do You Believe in Soulmates? – The Perfect One For You

Relationships can be hard work. It’s tough enough to find someone you’re compatible with, much less someone entirely perfect for you. Still, if we didn’t believe in soulmates, we probably wouldn’t spend so much effort on this dating thing, would we?

A true soulmate is someone you share a deep intimacy with, unlike any sort of normal friendship. It isn’t just an acquaintance.

When you have a soulmate, you have a partner for life.

do you believe in soulmates

Cassie’s View

As a hopeless romantic, the idea that there is someone out there meant for me and only me was one that I clung to from the time I was a young girl. When I found this person, my heart would just know.

It wouldn’t be that they would meet stringent criteria on some predetermined checklist. We wouldn’t meet when I was looking for them. But I would know. My heart would just know. My soul would feel it. I would have found the person who made me whole.

Are Our Soulmates Really Out There?

As I struggled through toxic relationships and strings of Mr. Wrongs, the idea of finding this imaginary perfect person felt more and more like musings of a child. Finding him was akin to seeing the real Santa Claus on Christmas morning. The fantasy is fun, but it seemed like just that. Fantasy. An illusion. Something that is made for TV to give hope to the lonely and comfort to those who have already settled for a life of mediocrity.

How sad it was to have the dream end. Sad, yet somehow liberating to find peace in giving up my pursuit.

I’ve always heard that when you stop looking for something, that is when you will find it. I’ve never known that to be truer than when a simple conversation changed my life forever. I learned that all of the words I had previously attributed to relationships such as “connection” or “attraction” had been misused and misunderstood. I instantly knew I had met the person I was meant to be with.  Together we have built a life better than the one I daydreamed about as that idealistic young girl.

What I learned is that it is important to have all of the negative experiences in relationships in order to fully appreciate the scope of what I have now.

Can You Only Have One Soulmate?

I believe it is possible to have successful relationships with many different people. The idea that there is only one perfect person for every heart does seem limiting.

The definition of soulmate may also determine how many soulmates a person is likely to have.

Although it is most often used in relation to romantic relationships, there may be such a strong bond between platonic friends or family members that they consider their souls intertwined. Often these relationships are deeper than the one they cultivate with a spouse and can actually be detrimental to creating a lasting connection.

Is it Okay Not to Believe in Soulmates?

Absolutely. The belief in soulmates can potentially harm what could be a satisfying relationship.

If one or both partners are longing for an elusive feeling rather than putting effort into building a solid foundation, the relationship could be over before it has a fighting chance.

Concluding Thoughts

The belief in soulmates is a fun and romantic notion. If you have found a partner who completes you, supports you, and loves you wholeheartedly, then you should believe in soulmates. It seems you have found one.

However, a good relationship does not depend on finding a creature as mystical as a unicorn. It takes hard work, support, love, patience, and a strong foundation. Use this recipe to build something better than a soulmate. Build something real.

Nick’s View

To believe in soulmates implies believing that there are greater forces at play in the universe.

This isn’t an appeal to any specific religion, but is simply the sense that there’s something more out there. You cannot have faith in love-destiny if you believe life is purely random.

How Do You Know You Met Your Soulmate?

Relationships typically begin with passion. Accordingly, it’s hard to sort out what is lasting and what will wither over time. As most candles burn out, most relationships have a finite lifecycle.

To know whether someone is actually your soulmate, you need to go through many of life’s experiences with them. You need to experience victories and defeats, have causes to support one another, and actually want to do so.

Here are 5 ways to know you’ve found your soulmate:

  • You desire for them to be authentically happy.
  • You feel satisfied when they succeed (not secretly bitter).
  • They’re included in all versions of the future you plan for yourself.
  • They treat you in ways that make you feel fulfilled.
  • They make you want to be the best version of yourself.

How Soon Do You Know?

The list above sounds remarkably altruistic. That’s because both having a soulmate and being a soulmate involves selflessness. In many ways, it entails truly becoming whole through devotion to another.

Deep love takes time. You need to work through life’s challenges together before you develop robust trust. This doesn’t happen overnight.

For most people, this is going to take at least a year—if not longer—to truly recognize. Still, you may feel you recognize that someone may be your soulmate much sooner. It just takes time to genuinely confirm.

Practical Considerations about Soulmates

I feel confident in saying that soulmates do exist. I can say this because I have found my own.

All the same, I do recognize that most people probably never do. This is evidenced through the substantial divorce rate and how family court is the most vicious out there. Most of this stems from abysmally failed relationships.

Having said this, I see it as immensely worthwhile to keep pursuing your one true love.

You’ll know you have found your soulmate when you have someone you can tell anything to. It’s when you have that one person who won’t judge your beliefs, your mistakes, or your insecurities. Your soulmate will simply love you. As you are. And they won’t expect you to change.