7 Solid Ways to Get Over Someone You Never Dated

couple breaking apart and making room to get over someone you never dated

All relationships come with their own upsides and present unique complications. Whether you’re formally in a romantic union or something more in-between, losing that connection can be tough. To get over someone you never dated, you need to treat it like a real break up in order to heal.

There’s no silver bullet for the path to better days, but we’re going to walk you through our best tips. Use them all or pick and choose what feels best for you in your situation.

1. Grieve the relationship

When you break up with your partner, it is expected that you will be allowed time and space to grieve. However, if you were only unofficially dating, people may look down on you for having such strong emotions when you decide to move on. This can make it twice as hard to get over someone you never dated, as it invalidates what you’re going through.

Know that your feelings are no less worthy of expression simply because they were unrequited. Give yourself an acceptable amount of time to mourn your loss and say a proper goodbye to what could have been, but never was.

2. Talk to someone you trust

Depending on how long you have been fixated on your crush, you might have developed an attachment that may be hard to sever. Talking through these feelings with a trusted friend or family member may help you work through why you are having a difficult time letting go.

Consider scheduling sessions with a licensed therapist or counsellor. Don’t rule out getting proper help just because you weren’t in a formal relationship. Speaking with someone who is specially trained in relationships can give you expert advice on how best to heal your heart and get to the root of how you are feeling. It will also help you develop healthy relationships moving forward.

3. Cut off communication

When you are trying to get over a crush, nothing will make you feel worse than seeing them with a love interest all over social media. It is a good idea to cut off all communication with them, including removing them from all of your socials.

No good will come from watching their stories or re-reading all past communications. If they did not want to be a part of your life, do not give their life even another second of your time.

Wish them well and unfollow.

4. Get a reality check

We tend to view our crushes with rose-coloured glasses. Every interaction has a fantasy-like quality, and they can do no wrong.

In reality, people are not perfect. Revisit your relationship with a clear head and realize that your crush was not the perfect person that you thought him to be. There were flaws.

This does not have to be an exercise in spite. It’s merely an exercise to help wake you from a dream that was simply that, a dream.

5. Get a hobby

One of the best ways to find yourself is to indulge in a hobby or passion you likely did not have time for while pursuing a relationship that was going nowhere. Take some time to learn who you are and what you really like to do.

This could mean investing in a new hobby or rediscovering an old one. Either way, make it all about you and something that you are interested in. Beyond helping you get over someone you never dated, it could even lead to new opportunities for friendship and love.

6. Build up your self-confidence

Just because this particular fish didn’t bite does not mean that the next one will swim by without taking notice.

Make a list of all of your positive attributes. If you are stuck, ask your friends and family for help. Before you know it you will have a feel-good list of all of the wonderful qualities you possess.

Anyone would be lucky to have you.

7. Move on

The final step to get over someone you never dated is to eventually move past it. When you are ready, look for a relationship that has a chance of lasting.

Find someone who is more compatible than your last crush. This person may share similar interests and lifestyles.

It might even be someone who is already a friend who you have established a bond with.

You deserve to be happy with someone who will return your love. Find someone who is worthy of all you have to offer.

Final Thoughts on How to Get Over Someone You Never Dated

Losing anyone you held a connection with is tough. It can be downright depressing to feel you’re out on your own.

Still, that doesn’t have to be the death knell on your romantic future. There can be happiness on the other side of your break up.

Take the steps we’ve provided and work your way through them. There’s going to be plenty of light along the way, and it only gets easier as you go. Keep your head up and trust the process!