7 Ways to Have a Successful Relationship with a Mama’s Boy

mother clasping son's watch at a wedding

TLC’s hit series “I Love a Mama’s Boy” has showcased some of the most outrageous and bizarre mother-son relationships in existence. Few women could fathom maintaining a relationship under the conditions presented in the show. However, it is possible to have a successful relationship with a mama’s boy.

We’re going to walk you through the best ways to both survive and thrive in a relationship with a man who maintains a tight bond with his mother.

Let’s get started on the tips.

1. Don’t compete

It is easy to feel jealous of anyone that is occupying the time of the man you love.

If your partner and his mother are spending copious amounts of time alone this will likely make you feel isolated and excluded. Understand that this is likely no one’s intent and that his mother is probably not looking to replace you.

Try to be understanding of their time together.

If it gets out of hand, talk to your partner about how you are feeling, but make sure you do so without judgment. Don’t give him an ultimatum without trying gentler methods first.

Perhaps if they are engaging in an activity that you enjoy, they will let you participate.

If not, fill your time with activities you enjoy so you are not left feeling bored and resentful.

2. Get to know your man

Getting in good with the woman who raised your man can have many advantages. She is the key to the person he is today.

Beyond cute baby pictures and funny anecdotes, asking questions and listening to what she has to tell you can actually teach you a lot about the man in your life. This can be relationship gold when you are trying to learn how your man communicates, deals with problems, or shows emotions.

Simply talking to his mother can improve your relationship by leaps and bounds.

3. Learn something new

Past generations had skills that tend to be lacking in today’s world.

When you can do a quick internet search for knowledge or have anything you desire shipped to your door within minutes, we don’t take the time to learn the same crafts as our parents and grandparents did. Showing you are willing and eager to learn something from your MIL, such as a family recipe, not only demonstrates your commitment to the relationship, but will help you expand your skillset.

It is an excellent way to bond with someone who is very important to your man. Likewise, it’ll likely cement your place in her heart.

4. He’s a gentleman

Men who are close to their mothers are often kind and nurturing people. As they spend a lot of time in the presence of a feminine energy, they understand how to properly treat a woman.

This isn’t to say that they are not masculine; quite the opposite. There is nothing sexier than a man who treats a woman with dignity and respect.

5. He respects strong women

Mama’s boys can be very progressive as they view a woman in a position of utmost power.

You will never be made to feel like you are not his equal. In fact, you will probably be put on a pedestal. That’s a great place to be!

6. Full of emotions

Men who spend a lot of time with women are generally more in touch with their emotions than those who do not.

To have a successful relationship with a mama’s boy, look on the bright side of their emotions. They’ll likely be far more willing to have hard conversations when needed. This means you won’t need to guess as to how they’re feeling.

7. He understands motherhood

Maybe you are not at this stage in your relationship, but take comfort that if you get there he will appreciate you as a mother.

A mama’s boy recognizes the sacrifices a mother makes for her family. He never takes those sacrifices for granted.

Final Thoughts on How to Have a Successful Relationship with a Mama’s Boy

A man who holds a strong bond with his mother can be a great catch. They already view women as equals and care about the well-being of others.

Be sure to cultivate the best parts of this dynamic. Don’t feel jealousy that he cares deeply for another woman; it’s a positive thing.

Whatever you do, count your blessings that you’ve found a good one to spend your life with.