6 Simple Ways to Keep Your Man from Cheating

man crossing his fingers and lying

I’m willing to bet it has crossed your mind. Whether or not there has ever been infidelity in the past is likely irrelevant, although the old adage about cheaters doesn’t offer much in the way of comfort. If you’ve found yourself reading this you are probably of the mind that there might be cause for concern and you need some ways to keep your man from cheating.

Monogamy can be tricky business and the world is surrounded by younger, more attractive options that can tempt at every opportunity. So, is it a lost cause?

If your man has thought about cheating, or even if the idea is thus far strictly living amongst the crazy in your head, are there strategies you can take to solidify your relationship and keep his eyes looking only at you?

I’m going to walk you through my favourite ways to keep him devoted to you.

1. Prioritize the Relationship

The number one reason men (or women, for that matter) cheat is because they say they are feeling neglected by their partner. When the person you are sharing your life with decides to spend more time on work, with friends, or on hobbies and household tasks, this can be emasculating and make your man feel like he’s unimportant and not needed.

Focus on why you fell in love in the first place. Try to treat each other as you did in the early stages in the relationship. It is likely you were kinder to each other and had more fun together.  This will likely not only curb his will to be unfaithful, but strengthen your bond as a duo. Win-win.

2. Keep it Hot

It might sound cliché, but if you are not being intimate with your man, there is a chance he will get it elsewhere. Humans are sexual beings, and although that may decrease as we age, it does not have to. If you want to keep your man from cheating, be sure to nurture your love connection.

Any changes in sexual drive can be worked through as a couple. A willing and loving partner would enjoy the homework of rekindling the fire. This can be done by role playing, trying new positions, or even just spending some quality time together with no outside stress.

3. Be Open

It is very easy to pigeonhole and stereotype people into who they should and ought to be. This is especially easy once you feel that you know them well. This includes yourself.

Make sure that you clearly express what you need in the relationship, but also that you allow your partner to do the same. And listen when he does. 

Be honest with each other and yourselves about what you both expect from the other in terms of long-term goals and daily life, so there are no surprises. Work together to make those dreams a reality.

4. Be Adaptable

One of the most important parts of a relationship is to be flexible. About anything. Although there is nothing wrong with being upset when things trigger you, nobody wants to be with someone so rigid that the slightest change causes a catastrophic meltdown.

Remember that your man is your partner, not your child.  He deserves your respect, and you deserve his. To keep your man from cheating, make sure the home is a place of peace. If it’s a place of chaos, stress, and misery, he will likely find his tranquility somewhere else.

5. Be Independent

Yes, it is always fun to have hobbies and activities in common, but no man wants his woman stuck to him 24-7.  Most men are very happy to have a strong partner who knows who she is and is not afraid to have her own interests, friends, and even a life outside of their relationship.

The key to success in this regard is making sure that despite having that separation that both circles align perfectly with no conflict. It is risky to have a friend group who does not like your partner. This will leave you at odds and having to make a difficult decision.

6. Discuss Consequences

Although cheating may be nowhere on the radar, it might not hurt to have an open conversation with your man. Get his views on monogamous relationships to see if you’re on the same page.

This is an opportunity for you to discuss with him the consequences he would face, if any, should an infraction occur. It would not need to be a heavy conversation, but firm enough so that he understands that you would not be able to continue a relationship with someone who had betrayed you.

What if My Man Still Cheats

It’s absolutely possible that even with all of these mitigation strategies you may find yourself heartbroken. It sucks. 

Unfortunately, some men will tell you that they are just not able to commit to one woman. 

What should your next steps be?

If you’ve been cheated on, here are some of the next steps you need to take:

  • Decide whether or not to continue the relationship knowing the likelihood of reoccurrence is high.
  • Be strong knowing some things are just out of your control.
  • Move onto another relationship knowing how better to handle infidelity in the future.

Whether you decide to cut the cord or not, be decisive whichever direction you choose.

Final Thoughts on How to Keep Your Man from Cheating

Although no one can guarantee that your man won’t stray, worrying about it incessantly is probably not going to help the situation. In fact, it may even contribute to the problem because your stress and anxiety will be obvious.

If he is going to cheat, he is going to cheat. No amount of stress or planning will change that.

The best course of action is to be present in the relationship and enjoy it as you did at the beginning.

In other words, be in love. Otherwise, what are you in this for?