Top Reasons To Make or Avoid a Marriage Proposal at Christmas

man making a marriage proposal at Christmas

The Christmas holidays can be a hectic time as friends and family make their best efforts to get together. Emotions and romance can run high with all of the festivities taking place. However, there are many serious considerations regarding a marriage proposal at Christmas.

We’ll walk you through the top three reasons to propose, along with the top three reasons to avoid popping the question at Christmas.

Let’s get started.

Top 3 Reasons to Make a Marriage Proposal at Christmas

If you’re planning to ask for your lover’s hand, doing it over the holidays can add plenty of intrigue. There are also some concrete reasons that this might be the time to do it.

Let’s Celebrate!

What better time to ask your beloved to be your betrothed than when friends and family are already gathered together in a celebratory mood? The holidays can be a wonderful time to mark a happy occasion; whether the actual question is asked in private or a group setting.

Having something extra to celebrate will certainly put an added sparkle to the festivities.

Yearly Magic

As if the holidays are not special enough, a proposal will be an added reason to celebrate year after year. Most people do not remember the dates or even the circumstances surrounding proposals other than their own, but you can relive the enchantment every holiday season with walks down a shared memory lane with your friends and family.


The holiday season is so full of hustle and bustle that the true meaning of joy and love can be overshadowed. Making the ultimate commitment during such a chaotic time will show your loved one that you are in this for life.

In a time that can be full of madness and mayhem, you can decide to share some private time to yourselves and rediscover what really matters.

Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Not Make a Marriage Proposal at Christmas

Be sure not to be overzealous with the idea of marriage at all costs. There can also be downsides to sue for marriage over Christmas.

Let’s Not Celebrate!

See the top two reasons in favour of proposing and consider that they may also be very large reasons in the Don’t column. Unless you are absolutely certain that your partner is ready to say yes, and wants to announce the engagement right away, a time of large gatherings is likely not ideal.

Instead of showing off the bling there might be broken hearts on display. Nothing will ruin Christmas faster than a proposal gone awry, and the memory of the blunder will likely last for many seasons to come.

Pressure Proposal

If the only reason you are considering asking your S.O. for their hand in marriage is because you are expected to, or you are unsure what else to buy as a gift (FYI—engagement rings do not count as Christmas gifts), you are likely not ready to walk down the aisle.

A proposal should come when both parties feel ready and excited about a future together. Christmas, or any other holiday should never be your motivating reason to decide you are ready to take the leap.

Suspicious Minds

Proposing at Christmas—even with the best of intentions—can make a partner wonder what prompted such a grand gesture. Although it is a very romantic time of year, a proposal can, to many, come off as disingenuous.

Your partner may wonder the following about your reasons for the marriage proposal at Christmas:

  • What has he done that he needs to be forgiven for?
  • Were too many Christmas spirits involved in this decision?
  • Did he feel pressured into this? Did I make him feel pressured into this?

Even the most thoughtful and beautiful proposals may, in fact, be overshadowed with niggling doubts as to why Christmas was chosen as a proposal backdrop. Beginning such an important journey with such questions is probably not the best way to take those first steps.

Finals Thoughts on Making a Marriage Proposal at Christmas

Whether you decide to get engaged—or attempt to—over the holidays or not, do it with your eyes wide open. There can be plenty of risk that goes along with the potential upside. The lists provided above should help you make an informed decision. Be aware that if it doesn’t work out, it could mar your association with Christmas forever.