4 Reasons to Meet Your Partner’s Family on Thanksgiving

meet your partner's family on thanksgiving with plenty of food

The holidays can be a stressful time for relationships. There’s all of the anxiety around who will be there, whether everyone will get along, and even if the food will be ready on time. Still, it’s a great idea to meet your partner’s family on thanksgiving.

We’ll outline below the top reasons to make the turkey holiday a memorable one with your SO.

1. The Whole Family is There

If there was ever a way to kill two birds with one stone when it comes to meeting family and gaining acceptance, it’s to do it on a holiday. A major holiday like Thanksgiving is great time to get it done because it doesn’t have the pressure of Christmas gifts, but does bring everyone together.

This means you can meet everyone you need to know all at once. This is the rip the bandaid approach.

Some of the pressure can also be lifted because there’s so much more going on than just meeting you.

2. The Food is Great

If you need to go through the painful experience of meeting potential-future-in-laws, why not get a great meal at the same time? The turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and desserts will go a long way to easing you in.

The ritual of eating dinner together, passing plates, and sharing in the festivities is wonderful. It’s the opportunity to meet everyone in a lighthearted way.

One pro tip is to make sure to compliment one of the items your SO’s mother made. Sons love to hear positive feedback about their mothers and it can likewise warm their mother to you right from the start!

3. Simplified Gifting

If there’s one thing everyone appreciates on Thanksgiving, it’s when someone shows up with more dessert. Bring a special item—or make your favorite recipe—to curry some favor.

The yield on cost is amazing, as you can pick something up for less than $15 that’ll get plenty of mileage. The endorphins will already be flowing for everyone, so they’ll appreciate your gesture.

Here are a few simple foods that’ll make you a hit on Thanskgiving:

  • Apple Crumble Pie
  • Blueberry Turnover
  • Splintered Butternut Squash
  • Roasted and Garlic Buttered Brussel Sprouts
  • Red Wine

Be sure you’ve taste-tested ahead of time what you’re planning to make or bring. You want it to be full of flavor and enjoyed by all!

Also be cognizant that not all families approve of alcoholic beverage. Be mindful of this before making the decision to bring wine on your holiday-date at your partner’s family’s house.

4. You May Not Be the Only New One

When you meet your partner’s family on Thanksgiving, there’s a high likelihood that other family members may be bringing their new spouses along, also. This can further deflect some of the attention from you.

All the same, you don’t want to entirely blend into the crowd. Be sure to offer a hand when there’s anything that needs doing. This can help you stand out in all of the right ways.

Final Thoughts on Why You Should Meet Your Partner’s Family on Thanksgiving

Holidays are meant to be enjoyable. In many cases, they’re a time when family have time off work. It’s when everyone gathers and enjoys old rituals, while also setting some new ones.

Being a part of the festivities positively predisposes everyone toward you. Suddenly, you’re viewed as being on the inside of the circle. Use the time to put your best foot forward and show why you’re someone worth knowing.

Most of all, be sure to take it all in and enjoy it. Appreciate the moment to be part of something beautiful with your partner’s family. This is, after all, what family is all about.