5 Best New Year’s Resolutions as a Couple

Making New Year's Resolutions as a couple can make you stronger

The end of December is a great time to focus on the year that was, along with setting goals for the year ahead. Making New Year’s Resolutions as a couple can be a great way to solidify your bond and stay on track.

We’ll walk you through the best ways to plan the year to come with your significant other.

1. New Year New “We”

Sometimes clichés are clichés for a reason. The New Year is a great time to commit to a healthier lifestyle. Having a partner in crime can be key to being successful as you each have someone to keep you on track and hold you accountable when you feel your resolve slipping. Having that accountability partner can really help.

Together time can be get-healthy time as you prepare healthy meals and snacks, and become more active together.

If the gym is too crowded with other New Year’s members, there are other ways to increase your heart rate:

  • Go on a hike together
  • Try a fitness streaming service
  • Join a co-ed community sports team
  • Increase your active time in bed—sex can be a great calorie burner

2. Prioritize Actual Face Time

Relationships are often updated on social media with digital communication being the primary way that couples relay messages.

For your New Year’s Resolutions as a couple, make a point to minimize the time spent in front of screens of any kind when you should be focused on each other.

Ideas you can try for getting face-time with your partner:

  • Have a no phone rule at dinner and have an actual conversation
  • Play a board game instead of turning on the tv
  • Write each other little love messages that you can read when you are apart—on paper, not by text

3. Together-Improvement

The beginning of the year is always full of opportunities to learn new skills and hobbies. If there is something you have always wanted to try, but never have, now is the time to jump in. Why not do it with a partner?

Community centres and colleges have catalogs full of evening, weekend, or extended courses on everything from photography to first aid.  Begin the New Year a more educated version of yourselves.

4. Will Power in Numbers

A fresh start does not have to only include trying new things, but could also entail leaving things behind.

Think about bad habits that you may share as a couple. Are you wanting to quit smoking? Cut back or quit alcoholic beverages? Leaving bad habits in last year is more easily accomplished when you have a partner to lean on for support.

5. Be Kinder to Each Other

Sometimes we are nicer to strangers than to the person who shares our bed. This year, make it a priority to criticize less, compliment more (genuinely), and make love at every opportunity.

This is the ultimate resolution for a very happy new year.

Final Thoughts on New Year’s Resolutions as a Couple

If you want to make this year a great one, you need to include your spouse. A relationship doesn’t work effectively where only one side is happy.

Keep the New Year’s Resolutions fun, meaningful, and get the most out of them!