5 Amazing Ways to Show Your Partner You Care

show your partner you care with the right gestures

No matter how long you’ve been together, it is always hugely important to show your partner you care. Never take for granted that they simply know you care, without making it clear to them.

In this article, we’re going to show you some of the best ways to let your lover know they’re always on your mind.

1. Plan thoughtful dates

Dating has evolved over the years from dinner and a movie to ax throwing and rage rooms. There are so many creative options available to tailor the perfect outing for you and your partner. Selecting a date your partner will enjoy demonstrates to them that you considered their interests and value their happiness.

Depending on your partner, some fun dating ideas might include:

  • Attending the concert of a band they like
  • Joining a cooking class
  • Going on a haunted walk
  • Attending a sporting event

Know them and know yourself, and see what you can find that gets the best of both of your interests!

2. Let them know they’re on your mind

Sometimes we get so busy with our daily routine that communication with our partner becomes less of a priority. Although you might have spent an entire workday with eager thoughts of the next time you will see your significant other, you just couldn’t make the time to connect.

Unfortunately, this is a common pattern. We tend to assume our partners will just know that we are thinking of them. However, your partner may start to feel neglected and taken for granted. Make time to let your partner know how you feel and that they are important to you. Texting three little words barely takes a second.

Using active empathy in relationships allows you to see from their perspective and act accordingly.

3. Tackle the dirty work

Life is full of easy ways to let someone know how much they mean to you. Some people attempt to do this with lavish gifts or vacations, but it can easily be accomplished without spending a dime.

Simple ways to show your partner you care could include:

  • Finding out your partner’s least favourite chore and doing it for them
  • Starting their car for them on cold mornings
  • Making a care package when they are unwell
  • Send them song lyrics that remind you of them

4. Make an effort with their friends and family

If you are in this for the long haul, then you are likely going to be spending a lot of time with your partner’s inner circle. Showing them that you want to make a good impression and be accepted will go a long way towards winning your partner’s affection.

Most people would find it difficult to be in a relationship with someone who does not have the approval of the people who mean the most to them. This small gesture will let your partner know that you are serious and see yourself fitting into their life.

5. Be the partner they want you to be

This does not mean changing yourself into someone that you are not. If you need to modify any aspect of your personality to please your partner, you might not have found your match.

However, you can be someone who is attentive and dependable. Be the partner who not only listens to the story being told, but asks questions and is engaged in the conversation. Make sure you are making your partner a priority and following through on any promises you have made.  In short, be someone whom you would like to have a relationship with.

Final Thoughts on the Best Ways to Show Your Partner You Care

Take your relationship to the next level by letting them know how you truly feel. Show your significant other you care about them by doing all of the little things right.

In the end, it all comes down to your actions and what you actually do. Talk is cheap, so put all of these tips together to go the extra mile!