6 Ironclad Signs She Loves You Deeply

Listen to her to find the signs she loves you deeply

It can be difficult knowing exactly what stage of a relationship you are in. If you find yourself wondering what your current state is and what comes next, you need to be mindful of how you’re being treated. This article will detail the important signs she loves you deeply and help you understand where you’re at.

If you’re into visuals, here’s an infographic that outlines the six signs she loves you deeply:

An infographic describing the 6 signs she loves you deeply

By keeping this infographic handy, you’ll be able to refer to it when you need a reminder.

Now let’s dig into the details.

1. She always appreciates you

Most people enter into relationships in order to get something in return. Some people are looking to avoid loneliness or find someone to have children with. Others are looking for a partner to travel the world with.

One of the best signs she loves you deeply is if she is always finding ways to demonstrates that she appreciates you. This form of love comes without strings attached, as it is all about her giving rather than receiving.

If she is consistently showing you that she doesn’t take you for granted, that is one of the best indications that she’s madly in love with you.

2. She supports you all the time

If she is truly looking out for your best interest, she will consistently encourage you to be the best version of yourself. She will say things to build your confidence and let you know she’s in your corner. A soulmate wants the best for their other half.

Here are some things she might say to let you know she is supportive of you:

  • I know you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.
  • You always follow through on things you start.
  • I love when you tell me about things that are on your mind.

When a woman loves a man, she will let you know through her words and actions.

3. She maintains eye contact with you

Love manifests itself in many forms. Some of the cues are emotional while others are physical.

One of the biggest signs she loves you deeply is if she keeps close eye contact with you for extended periods of time. This tells you that she wants both to see you, and to be seen by you.

While brief eye contact that is broken off with a bashful smile can be playful, long eye contact is a sign of love.

Be mindful of the ways she looks at you. This is one of the most physical, tangible ways to know there is more going on beneath the surface.

4. Physical contact between you is constant

If you’re looking for signs a girl loves you, search no further than how she handles physical contact with you. If it seems like she’s always looking for ways to make it happen, that could tell you she is truly into you.

Here are a few ways she will initiate physical contact that represent signs she loves you deeply:

  • She reaches for your hand regularly. While most people will recoil at hand contact, she seeks it out and makes it linger.
  • Close hugs are normal with her. Some people will hug when first meeting up, kind of like a handshake. With her it’s different; she pulls you closer and tighter, wanting you to do the same.
  • She always sits beside you in groups and presses close. If she always wants to sit near you and have your arms and legs touching, this gives you a sign that she feels safe with you—and that you should feel safe with her.

One of the best ways to express love is by leaning into the physical attraction and seeing where it leads.

5. She gives you her full attention

What is love but giving all of yourself to someone? In a world where we’re all glued to social media, how your partner focuses her attention is going to be a great clue as to how she feels about you.

If she is willing to set aside all distractions (like her smartphone!) and simply gives you her undivided attention, you can be sure she cares for you.

Going a level further, this is something you shouldn’t need to ask her to do. When she’s just spending time with you simply because she wants to, this tells you how much of a priority you are to her.

6. Keeping the conversation going is easy

The basis for truly great conversation is interest. The surest sign that you’ve found a profound love is that you both find each other interesting and yearning to learn more.

You’ll know whether this is true by how simple it is to have long talks together without running out of things to say. There’s always more to find out about with things you observe with passion.

If she’s constantly asking you probing questions from a place of trust and enthusiasm, you know she is genuinely into you.

Final Thoughts on the Telltale Signs She Loves You Deeply

If you’re wondering how to know a girl likes you, begin by being attentive to what she says and does. There will be clear signals you can use to gauge her level of interest in you.

Keep a close focus on the six signs of love that we’ve outlined here. They will each independently let you know you have someone worth keeping on your hands. If you feel all of the items here are true for your woman, then she definitely loves you.