Top 7 Signs Your Relationship Can Survive Long Distance
Most couples spend their relationship in close proximity. It’s easier to meet people you’re near, along with carrying out the usual dating rituals. However, technology has increasingly made it easy to be in love at a distance. In this article, we’ll run down the top ways you can know you and your SO can survive long distance.
Let’s get going.
1. You trust your partner
First and foremost, if you want a long distance, or any, relationship to work in the long run you need to have full faith in your partner. Trust is the foundation of any good relationship and without it you will never have a healthy and sustainable future.
Ask yourself these questions about managing your long distance relationship:
- How will I feel without the ability to know what he is doing at any given time?
- Will I be okay not knowing who is with or where he is?
- What will it mean for the relationship if he creates new friend groups and connections that I am not a part of?
If these questions do not cause you to reach for the Xanax, you are probably in pretty good shape.
It is definitely natural to have some trepidation with major changes within a relationship. If you have trust in your partner, though, you will have faith that they will not put you in a position to feel betrayed.
2. You trust yourself
Trust in your partner’s actions is only half of the equation. To survive long distance, you also need to trust yourself.
If you are not confident your head will not be turned the second he is out of sight, perhaps long distance might not be a smart idea.
A relationship requires both parties to have faith in the other’s commitment. If you do not feel like you will get your emotional or physical needs met by a partner who is geographically distant, perhaps it is best to break things off sooner rather than later.
Why wait and cause someone more pain?
3. Good communication
Do you and your partner already have solid and established communication plans? If you don’t, they won’t improve with space.
If you do want to continue the relationship, ensure your communication plan is well established. This has to happen before the distance grows; neither partner should ever feel ghosted.
Even if you have already seen your partner that day, get in the habit of calling or sending a message of love. Once you have already developed a habit it will be easier to continue once the distance becomes a reality.
Practice makes perfect.
4. You have a plan
A plan to make the romance successful should be put in place before the move occurs. Don’t let it be an afterthought once time has passed.
Get these items figured out for your long distance relationship plan before you’re apart:
- What will the communication schedule be?
- Who will visit whom?
- What will be the frequency of visits?
Making some of these decisions early will ease the burden and anxiety that is likely being felt by one or both partners.
Spend your time together enjoying each other’s company and looking forward to the next visit…because you know exactly when that will be.
5. You are flexible
Despite having the best laid plans, sometimes things just don’t go the way you’d hope.
Try your best to roll with the punches when visits or phone calls don’t occur on schedule. As long as you are both making an effort to see each other and communicate when possible, there will likely be times when life changes even the most structured routine.
Don’t spend any precious time arguing over what can’t be helped.
6. Not your first challenge
A couple who has a pattern of working well together to face obstacles will likely handle distance in the same fashion. It is simply another puzzle to solve and overcome as a team.
Look at the challenges you face being apart as just another hurdle to overcome together. You can survive long distance if you keep the big picture in mind as a couple.
7. You want it to work
This is what it all comes down to.
Do you and your partner really want to stay together or is the distance a good excuse to go your separate ways? A couple who really wants to be together can overcome pretty much anything.
They just need to put it the time, effort, and love.
Final Thoughts on Whether Your Relationship Can Survive Long Distance
The fact of the matter is that having a successful long distance relationship comes down to trust, integrity, and still finding a way to feel fulfilled. You’re going to need to work through things with your partner.
In the absence of physical intimacy, you’ll need to rely on that spark you have to carry you. That probably means plenty of texting and phone calls to keep things working. In today’s age, it’s never been easier to get on a live video call. Take advantage of this flexibility and take your love to the next level!
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