Top 9 Things Women Obsess Over (That Men Don’t Care About)

clothes are among the things women obsess over

Women and men have very different brains. They think differently and process information on entirely separate levels. Most of the things women obsess over absolutely do not matter to men.

By recognizing what you’re worrying about that doesn’t matter to him, you can learn to stop the stress cycle.

Let’s dive in!

1. What they are wearing

Although it is not true of every woman, there definitely is something to the cliché of women taking longer to get ready in the morning than men. There is a care that is taken in the preparation that is ritualistic and individual to each and every woman.

And it’s something that a man could never understand.

When getting ready, a woman considers:

These questions can be contemplated well in advance. However, last minute game-time changes might still make a woman scramble out the door.

2. What you are wearing

Although a woman may be perfectly happy to come home to her man in sweats, she probably wants the world to only see the best side of him. This is because she knows that the way he looks is often viewed as a representation of her.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever uttered the catty phrase, “I can’t believe his wife let him out of the house like that”. Guilty.

3. Their flaws

Men have no idea how many things can be wrong with a woman’s body. Yet, these are among the things women obsess over the most.

In a beauty-focussed culture that puts an unreasonable amount of pressure on women to be perfect, it’s no wonder it’s impossible to measure up. It is much better to remember that if your man is with you, he likely finds you perfect the way you are.

Most men never noticed the perceived imperfections that are top of your mind.

4. Gifts

Special occasions are often very stressful for women. They agonize over every last detail until everything fits the vision in their heads.

This usually includes buying gifts for everyone from their in-laws to the barista who makes their morning latte. Men, on the other hand, often rely on their partners for reminders of special occasions or piggy back on gifts and cards.

When shopping themselves, it can be last minute and quick. Not because they don’t care, they just don’t view it with the same sense of ceremony as women.

5. Gossip

It’s wonderful for women to have female friends so that when there is gossip afoot, they have someone to discuss it with—someone who gets what’s going on with TMZ.

Attempting to elicit a conversation with your man about a salacious story between mutuals will more than likely create a glazed-over-eye-effect.

Not even worth trying.

6. Celebrity gossip

If you thought your man wasn’t interested in gossip about people he knows, try talking to him about Amber and Johnny.

Nothing more to add.

7. The rules

When you first meet a new partner, women often worry about social expectations.

The woman will run through a laundry list of high-priority questions before a first date:

Men rarely stress about such things and are more likely to allow the relationship to simply take its course.

8. “Her”

As you lie in bed beside your partner, are you wondering what is going on in their minds? If so, you are probably female and you are probably wondering if his mind is on another woman.

Is he thinking of an ex? Someone new?

Truth is, he is likely thinking about how much he enjoyed his steak dinner.

9. Social media

It is virtually impossible to escape social media, as it is used as a platform for communication, entertainment, and industry. However, women tend to obsess about the image they project to the world and the likes they accumulate more than the typical man.

Remember: rarely does the onscreen persona match real life.

Final Thoughts on the Things Women Obsess Over

Some things in life are worth the worry. If you’ll remember something in five years, it may be worth the extra toil.

Most things, though, don’t pass the time test. In those cases, just let go. Focus on what is most important in your life. Emphasize and give space only to what you want most.