7 Hot Tips to Travel Abroad with Your Partner
Taking a bucket list trip can be incredibly exciting. Doing it with your significant other can make it a once in a lifetime experience. There are pitfalls to be aware of, however. In this article, we’ll cover our best recommendations if you’re planning to travel abroad with your partner.
These will go over the best ways you can strip away the stress and be sure it’s all about the enjoyment.
Let’s get started.
1. Be patient…be a team
It is said that patience is a virtue. This is true in everyday life, but even more so when you and your partner are tested in stressful situations.
Nothing can put more pressure on a relationship than traveling to an unfamiliar locale where customs are anything but comfortable and familiar. The only way to come out of these situations still in love is to work together.
When you encounter a situation that has you at odds with each other, just remember that you are on the same side.
No good will come of battling against each other. Work through the problem together, whether it is an airline mishap or your partner’s sudden and unexpected snoring in a different climate.
There is a solution. Find it together.
2. Be open
The point of travelling abroad is to come home with stories of your adventures together. This is unlikely to happen if you stick to the same routines and comforts of home.
Be willing to push your boundaries as a couple and try new and exciting things. This may be new foods, seeing new sights, staying in accommodations that are unfamiliar, or attempting an excursion that you never thought you would.
Come home more in love and with a deeper bond by experiencing things together other than just frying on a beach or visiting the local version of a chain you have in your hometown.
3. Be transparent
Transparency is key to a successful vacation.
Be upfront with your partner about what you expect from your travels together:
- What sights do you want to see?
- How structured do you wish this trip to be?
- What is the budget for meals, excursions, souvenirs?
Having an upfront discussion before the ride to the airport can prevent a blow-up mid-vacation that has the potential to ruin your entire vacation.
4. Be honest…with yourself
Before boarding the plane to travel abroad with your partner, it is a good idea to do some self-reflection. Think about any past trips you have taken, either alone or with a partner. Contemplate any triggers that you have come across that have caused you to become your less-than-perfect self.
Evaluate how these situations can be either mitigated or how you might better handle them on this trip so you can have a better outcome.
If you need to, discuss them with your partner so that they are prepared to work through them together (see, again with teamwork).
5. Be prepared
Preparation is especially important when travelling overseas. It is not as easy to run to the local store to grab any forgotten items.
You want to ensure you sort out your money matters, research that your electronics are locally compatible, and find out which of your behaviours may land you a prison sentence…seriously.
Know where you are going, what is acceptable, and what you need to know before you go.
6. But not too prepared
Planning makes for a smooth trip, but it can also make for a boring one.
It is one thing to plan some excursions ahead of time so that you don’t miss out on some fun things to do, but ensure you leave some free time for spontaneous explorations. There will always be events and adventures to be experienced once you arrive that you don’t want to pass over simply because you showed up over-committed.
Don’t let your trip just be one checkbox after another. Keep things flexible!
7. Be firm…gently
It is unlikely that you and your partner will agree on everything to see and do while on your trip (do you agree on everything at home?). However, if there is something that you really feel strongly about, make sure your partner understands your point.
This is not like deciding on a movie that you can see next week with a friend; it is quite possibly a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Unless your partner has an exceptionally good reason for not wanting to do or see what you have proposed, stand your ground (without a screaming match).
You do not want to resent them on the flight home, or the rest of your life.
Final Thoughts on How to Travel Abroad With Your Partner
Most of this is going to truly come down to proper communication ahead of time. You want to be sure you and your significant other are on the same page. Unclear expectations and plans will be the biggest culprits to ruin your great time.
By having structured plans and also plenty of room for free-play, you can keep things flexible and still tick off all of your hot spots along the way.
Bon voyage!
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