7 Sneaky Ways to Spend More Time Together

walking outside is one of the top ways to spend more time together

In a great relationship, the best times are those when you’re with one another. Still, it can be difficult to juggle all of life’s priorities at the same time, so sometimes you need to be creative. No matter what, finding ways to spend more time together will keep your flame kindled.

We’re going to walk you through the top methods to carve out together-time to show your partner you care.

1. Turn Routine into an Opportunity

There are always chores around the house that everyone hates to do.

Here are a few common household chores that many people despise:

  • Cleaning the bathroom.
  • Reorganizing the garage.
  • Yard work.

Why not tackle these jobs as a team?

It might sound like an inefficient way to get the job done, but in fact, it can be quite the opposite. Four hands make for much lighter work and a much speedier turnaround time. Plus, it is much more likely the job will be done well if it is done under more pleasant circumstances.

Take the time to chat while you work, listen to your favourite music, and turn chore time into bonding time.

2. Make Mealtime a Priority

Everyone must eat at some point.

Gone are the days where everyone sat together around the dinner table and discussed the details of their days. Most people have conflicting schedules and busy lives, meals are eaten in shifts or in front of the television; even when together there are often devices at the table.

Although it might not be realistic to have every meal with your significant other, make it a commitment to have at least a few specific meals together every week. This might be a Friday dinner and Sunday brunch, with any additional meals as an added perk.

You will both know that this time is set aside to spend time together and reconnect. Bonus points if you prepare the meals together!

3. Disconnect and Reconnect

Does it ever feel like you communicate with your partner more through a device than with actual words?

Make a plan to limit screen time when you are together so that you can focus on what is most important. This can simply be refraining from technology for one hour per day so that you can talk (challenging to remember how to do this, but it gets easier), or cuddle, play a game, or even go for a walk.

Limiting that screen time is one of the best ways to spend more time together while also dealing with overexposure to devices. This quality time will make the withdrawal from your phone a thing of the past.

4. Expand Your Brain

Have you ever wanted to learn a new language, or to cook, or about graphic design? The world is full of learning opportunities just waiting to be explored.

Perhaps you and your love might find it worthwhile to take a class together. It doesn’t have to be a long commitment; even a weekend or one-night seminar on a subject that is of interest to you both can do wonders.

Spending time together learning and expanding your world view can be a good exercise in togetherness—and the homework is a lot more fun with a partner!

5. Kiss Me Goodnight

As simple as it sounds, one of the easiest ways to spend time together is to have the same bedtime.

Often couples have staggered schedules and are like ships in the night in the bedroom. Having an established bedtime routine allows more time for cuddling, intimacy, and simply just the awake knowledge that your partner is beside you.

There is nothing better to build closeness.

6. Get Healthy

One of the best win-win ways to spend more time together with your partner is to get active together.

Getting fit with your significant other is as simple as:

  • Joining a sports team together.
  • Plan healthy meals at home.
  • Go for daily walks.
  • Get a gym membership and go together.
  • Work out together at home.
  • Meditate together.
  • Attend couple’s classes, such as yoga.

Becoming healthier together will benefit your body, mind, emotional state. It will also bring you to a better place in your relationship.

7. Be Committed

The most important thing to remember is that whichever approach you choose when deciding to spend time with your spouse is that you should minimize canceling out on plans. You shouldn’t need to twist their arm or give them an ultimatum to get them to spend time with you.

Often we prioritize other commitments ahead of our partners because we know they will be understanding. Unfortunately, this can only be the case for so long.

Never take your person for granted, or they may find someone who will put them first.

Final Thoughts on the Ways to Spend More Time Together

Adopting even one or two methods from the list above will help you double down on being with your partner. The key is to find what works for you. Everything is going to come down to lifestyle. Whatever you make time for and prioritize is going to grow. If you want that to be your relationship, then put in the time and set the proper structure to romantically thrive!