9 Undeniable Workplace Flirting Signs

colleagues demonstrating workplace flirting signs

Starting to get the feeling your coworker has been taking an interest in you? It’s common to develop feelings for someone you work with. After all, spending so much time together can create a tight bond. We’re going to walk you through the top workplace flirting signs so you know what to look out for.

Let’s get started.

1. Together time

Isn’t funny how you keep ending up working on the same projects with that one particular person?

It could be that your superiors think you work well together and turn in a good product, or it could be that person is volunteering or asking to work with you. Pay close attention to the time spent together.

Are there signs that he is interested in a relationship, or is it merely a coincidence that he is your perpetual teammate?

2. Break time

Sometimes taking a few moments to yourself at work is bliss, but it can be challenging when co-workers match their break schedules to yours. When there is one in particular who always seems to find you at break-time it could be that they have done so on purpose.

Here are a few ways to tell they may be after you at work based on finding you on breaks:

  • They find you no matter where you go for lunch.
  • Even when you take breaks at random times, they magically appear.

It is very likely this person is interested in more than just a few minutes of relaxation.   

3. More than just LinkedIn

A co-worker who is interested in being more than just an acquaintance will likely try to connect with you on all of your socials. They will likely want to know what is going on in your life outside the office…your interests, who your friends are, your relationship status.

Friend requests, likes, and comments from an office mate are all signs that he is looking to move the relationship into a different category. As long as it’s genuine support and not clingy or stalkerish, it’s all good!

Related Reading: Online Dating Questions for Men and Women

4. Special occasions

It is true that in most offices, birthdays are celebrated, or at least acknowledged, but if someone is going out of their way to do something unique for you on special days, they probably care more than most.

Or perhaps there is someone designated to buy the cake, yet for your birthday someone else volunteered, this is a hint that this person may be interested in you.

5. Happy hour

Another possible sign that someone in the office may be interested in being more than just officemates is if they suggest getting together outside of the 9 to 5.

This could be for coffee, drinks, dinner, or any other activity that is not a work function. It could even be hidden by a group invitation if your suitor is shy.

However, don’t assume every group outing has romantic undertones. There would need to be other signs from this list as well.

6. Small talk

Is your guy taking the long way to the copier just to walk by your desk, or bringing up random facts just to start a conversation with you?

You might have been wondering why he was acting so bizarrely…mystery solved. He is flirting with you. He’s just not particularly good at it.

7. Little touches

Along the same lines, you might have noticed that he finds little ways to touch you. It could be a playful pat on the arm, moving hair out of your eyes, or brushing by you in the hallway.

These are all signs that he is interested. However, anything that makes you feel uncomfortable is a serious matter and should be dealt with as such.

8. Where are you from…?

Someone who is genuinely interested in you will ask questions about you and actively listen to the answers. If he is wanting to get to know more about where you are from, who you are now, and what makes you the person you are there is a good chance that he wants to become a part of your life.

We’ve talked before about the questions you should be asking before dating a coworker, and you may want to start sprinkling these in if you want to judge his intentions.

9. Special treatment

Are you noticing that his behaviour changes whenever you walk into the room and that he treats you differently than he treats anyone else in the office? That is probably because you are special to him and he wants to express that to you but has not been able to find the words.

Actions speak louder than words, so make sure you’re observing what he actually does.

Final Thoughts on the Top Workplace Flirting Signs

For anyone with a pulse, the thought of a romance fling is an exciting prospect. The thought of connecting with someone at work makes it all the easier to get out of bed on a Monday morning to face the day.

We’ve covered the most vital workplace flirting signs you should be aware of. Knowing what’s going on is half the battle when it comes to effectively navigating your office drama.