7 Telltale Signs You’re Ready to Move in Together

sharing a bedroom together to demonstrate you're ready to move in together

Many great relationships have been broken after the partners united their living spaces. It’s not easy to shift to common quarters after being on your own. However, there are definitely ways to tell that you’re ready to move in together.

We’re going to cover the top methods you can use to be sure you’re ready for the next step in your relationship. And remember, there’s going to need to be some give-and-take to make things work.

1. You’re in love

The number one reason you should want to move in with your significant other is simply that you love the idea of being with them 24-7. If the thought of spending nights without them is too much to bear, there is a good chance that you are headed for a cohabitation situation. Probably best to ensure the relationship has solid footing before making big moves, but only you can make that judgment for sure.

Falling in love takes time and isn’t enough on its own, but it’s the best foundation you can have.

2. You feel ready

Perhaps living with your partner is a new idea, or perhaps it’s something that has been discussed many times. Either way, it will only be a successful venture if both of you feel the timing is right to take the leap.

Here are a few questions you’re going to need to answer before being sure you’re ready to move in together:

  • Do you feel mature enough to handle the stress and pressure that might come with living with your partner?
  • Is your relationship strong enough to withstand the change?

If the answer is no, or there is uncertainty, it might not be worth the risk just to share the same address…temporarily.

3. You spend most of your time together

What living together means is that you’re going to be seeing more of each other…a lot more. If you’re already finding that you spend most waking hours together, that could be a great sign. After all, once your living space is confined, it’ll be too late to figure out if you don’t mesh well over long periods.

If you answer YES to most of these questions, chances are you’re already pretty tight together:

These are good indicators that you are practically already cohabitating.

If you are finding peace in your situation, you will likely have success pulling the trigger on the real thing.

4. Your lifestyles mesh

If you have a good relationship with your partner, it is probably because you have similar interests and lifestyles. This will come in handy should you decide to share an address.

Working together as a team will be very important and this will be much easier if you are on the same page in both small and large matters.

5. Common goals

It is critical that you and your partner have the same vision for where the road will take you in the future. Short-term goals are one thing, but ensure that you both have clear ideas of where this journey is leading you.

Moving is not fun. You don’t want to do it twice.

6. Money matters

One consideration when moving in together is that it may help the bottom line. Although this is certainly a plus, it definitely shouldn’t be the only reason to start apartment hunting.

What is good for thought is whether or not you and your partner are compatible financially.

These are vital money-based questions to figure out before moving in together:

  • Are you able to stick to a budget?
  • Can you split the bills fairly?
  • Will finances be a make or break issue?

If money matters are something you and your love have mastered, you may be ready to jump into cohabitation.

7. You decide together

Lastly, and most importantly, it is essential that the decision to move in together is made without any external pressure. It is a life-changing decision that is deeply personal and should be made with only the input of the two involved.

Friends, family, and associates should have no say in where you lay your head at the end of the day. Only you and your partner can decide when, and if you are ready for that level of commitment.

Final Thoughts on the Sings You’re Ready to Move in Together

Making the jump to sharing a living space can be daunting. It entails an entire change in relationship-philosophy, as you no longer have separate home bases. This can be both scary and exciting.

To be sure you’re ready to move in together, taking a close examination of everything on this list can help. Ask yourself the questions and listen closely to the answers. Be sure you’re ready to make the dive, because there’s really no going back.